
Aquarius(1/20 - 2/18) Horoscope for July 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Forecast

Aquarius this month is surrounded with the imagery of fountains, and geysers: of water gushing upwards. The droplets fly into the air and refract the light shining through them, forming rainbows. While the world of Aquarius appears calm for the first half of July, we see that your internal world is active and vibrant – like a geyser on the verge of erupting. In the latter half of July, events move more quickly; notions hidden deep in the heart find their way gushing forward and outward – like a fountain. With the influence and the full lunar eclipse in Aquarius on the 25th and of Mercury going retrograde, we see that tension in the realm of interpersonal relationships begins to erupt. Hidden anxieties find themselves forced into the open, and as a result you’re likely to find many realizations within the dynamic between “yourself” and “others.” You may find that you’ve been overexerting yourself without being even conscious of it. But just because pressures blow out does not mean it’s a bad thing: just like how the water of a fountain gives way to rainbows, you may be able to alchemize the tensions you feel here into a path to an even brighter tomorrow.

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