
Gemini(5/21 - 6/21) Horoscope for July 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Forecast

The stars have enveloped Gemini with a fresh, breezy air – a more relaxed wind finds its way to your spirit this month. Mars in retrograde seems gradually cool down the energy of Gemini natives in July, meaning that you may have trouble maintaining a balance of mind if you play or frolic to excess. A keyword for July is “frugality” for you, and you may find that this is a good time to reevaluate whether or not there are any places in your life in which you can cut down or reduce any wastefulness. The latter half of July sees Mercury move into retrograde, meaning that Geminis see that problems they may have worried themselves over come to a head, or that they have trouble keeping everything organized and well-maintained. Geminis are quick on their toes, but this month we see their pace slowed down a little bit more than usual.

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