This Month’s Forecast | This Month’s Advice | This Month’s Photograph
This Month’s Advice
Going into the latter half of July, a lot is happening for you astrologically. The Sun will be forming angles with Uranus, Mercury goes into retrograde in your sign, and a full lunar eclipse will be taking place in Leo as well. There are signs that you’ll be feeling some spiritual or mental tension. What is the key in the midst of this influence is to know one’s self. Gaze at your own reflection in the mirror. Why not take this opportunity to look at yourself firmly and objectively – and not worrying about how you appear in other people’s eyes? From the 26th to the 28th, we see that stress that has accumulated in the heart, as well as a variety of emotions, seem to overflow all at once. Make sure to think about how to positively and effectively dispel stress as to prevent emotions and stress from clogging up within you. This month, try implement cooler and more relaxing colors in your everyday – as opposed to vivid, active, and warmer colors such as red or orange.