
Leo(7/23 - 8/22) Horoscope for July 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Forecast

This month, Leo radiates a fierce, burning light – you are like the sun itself. We see the eyes of those in your surroundings turn towards you. Your inbox is lively with invitations from friends the first half of July, and you’ll likely find yourself at the center of conversation at parties. Many Leos are probably happy to hear this, but just remember that too much stimulation may make it hard to maintain balance: both physically and mentally. You may find that you care more about the opinions of others and become harsh with yourself, or that you work to excess to fulfill other people’s expectations. It’s easier to run out of breath. Try to recognize that connections with others invite both joy and stress and use this is as a chance to discern a proper balance for yourself within that dynamic. The summer sun is hot and piercing – everything appears to be glaringly bright. The light and heat make it hard to see and difficult to save your energy. Be sure to take some time to seek out the shade too – to give yourself some calm and relaxation. From the 26th to the 28th in particular, you’ll find yourself wanting to seek solace in the shade and away from the glaring, outside world (with the lunar eclipse and Mercury retrograde). Peace and quiet will be more appealing to you than usual. 

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