
Pisces(2/19 - 3/20) Horoscope for July 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Advice

Venus enters into your opposite sign beginning from the 10th (Virgo) – and together with the influence of Neptune and the solar eclipse, you’ll find that your sensibilities are replenished, even refined. Stamina and willpower seems to well up for you through delving into your hobbies, getting involved with art, and taking some time off to have some fun. The danger here is, though, it’s easy to slip from “lighthearted fun” into the realm of obsession. Maintaining your motivation towards work looks to be more of a challenge, so try and spruce up your work routine; place a favorite picture on your desk or make a work playlist on your music player – either way, it’ll serve you well to think of ways to make your time at the office more enjoyable. The key here is to enjoy your freedom all while balancing your obligations. If you’re able to do that, this month is sure to be full of magic; you’ll feel like a spirit or fairy flying freely through a land of wonder.

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