
Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Forecast

Sagittarians this month are aching to soar; to spread their wings and fly freely with nothing binding them. Maybe you’re feeling that way because you’re frustrated with things as they are now? You’re enchanted by the ethereal beauty of summer, and your feel a desire to know more about the outside world. You begin seeking a sense of oneness with this universe, and unity with sides of yourself that you have never seen. The solar eclipse and lunar eclipse this July beckons in opportunities and new relationships, and those bonds are likely to serve as chances for you to deepen your own knowledge of this earth. Sagittarians all have the power to acquire the wings they so desire. Spread your wings and jump into flight. Look down on the unknown world unfurling beneath you and cut open a path for yourself across the sky.


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