
Aries(3/21 - 4/19) Horoscope for June 2018


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

This Month’s Advice

Aries natives feel the impact of Mars retrograde more poignantly than other signs; in order to navigate this influence most effectively, one should make adjustments and regulate how you spend your energy every day. In doing so, you’ll find that you are able to make June a more productive time for yourself. Before Mars begins its backward movement, take this time to think over a couple of questions: Are there any ways of thinking or relationships that are tiring to me? Am I focusing too much on work? Are there any areas of life that I’m having trouble maintaining balance in? In going through this process of self-imposed questioning and answering, you might find that you achieve a better balance with both your mind and your body, leading to things moving along more smoothly overall. Another thing; Mars will begin its retrograde in Aquarius, and one of the keywords of Aquarius is “philanthropy.”In getting involved in activities of a humanitarian nature, such as volunteer or charity work, you may find that the Aquarian energy in the air will work to your advantage. But in general, you may find that the flow of events doesn’t move along in the way you want it to with this influence, but you may find your stamina and willpower restored in dedicating your power to the benefit of others. Use this month to revisit the “bridges” you have already built in your life, and work to slowly but surely build new pathways that lead you on into the future.

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