
Aries(3/21 - 4/19) Horoscope for June 2018


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

This Month’s Forecast

In imagining the energy around Aries this June, the image of a bridge comes to mind. We say that we both burn bridges and mend bridges to figuratively mean the process of ending a relationship with someone or repairing it, respectively. This month, we see your friends, acquaintances, and any organizations that you’re part of come into the forefront; and there are signs that you’ll be directing a lot of your thoughts towards those relationships. Mars, the ruler of Aries, also moves into retrograde from the 27th– meaning your energy levels are likely to cool down more than usual from around that time. You might find that friends you have lost touch with or put at a distance come back into your life, and other opportunities to rekindle or revisit relationships of the past. Aries are known for their tendency to move in perpetual forward motion; but instead of crossing bridges into new horizons and starting new things, I recommend directing your eyes to the “bridges” (relationships) already around you. One may find that truths previously left unseen come into vision through visiting those places and those bonds over again.

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