This Month’s Forecast | This Month’s Advice | This Month’s Photograph
This Month’s Forecast
Going into June, a light, grassy green and the clear, faint blue the color of rain seems to envelop your sign this month. As we approach your birthday season, it feels as if the world itself seems to be blessing you, celebrating your presence in this world – which is does by showing signs of ethereal beauty all around you and in your environs. We see Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus link influences with one another and stimulate your sensibility starting from the advent of June, bestowing you with an abundance of inspiration. Cancerians are sure to find much emotional fulfillment through listening to music or enjoying works of art. Venus transiting through your sign until the 14th may put many Cancers in a more passive state of mind, but that doesn’t necessarily work out to your detriment. Of course one should avoid letting their motivation and energy levels fall too low, but being in a more passive frame of movement naturally opens you up to receive more abundance and gifts from the world during this time. One may also find that feelings hidden deep within suddenly find rise within you, moving you to tears without warning over small stimuli – but that doesn’t mean that these tears are ones of sadness. You may find yourself comforted by warm nostalgia through pleasant memories, which may give way to wonderful realizations within you too.