This Month’s Forecast | This Month’s Advice | This Month’s Photograph
This Month’s Forecast
Imagery that embodies the Capricorn energy this month: beautiful crystals, a cave flowing with clean, pure water. As we enter into the rainy season in Japan, I see this month bring you moisture and sustenance. Like how the water of the rain penetrates into the earth, purifying over time, the experiences you have this month penetrate into and accumulate within the deep cave of your heart, slowly amassing in a place that may be beneath your notice. In the calm flow of the everyday, we see small happenings make their way into your life – and despite their seeming insignificance, they are culminating into something within you. And before you know it, they will come serve to support you and act as a source of significance and stability: and possibly going on to serve an important role in your life in the future. The days of June seem to pass by in a serene, tranquil way – but the encounters, chance meetings, and the sights you see are highly likely to bear greater significance on into the future. But in entering into the latter half of June and with Mercury’s influence in particular from the 13th onto the end of June, your work or pace seems to take on a more hectic overtone. But despite that, we see that little events and minor efforts of the everyday are leading you to a greater destination – don’t forget that. In moving into the latter half of June, the Full Moon in Cancer awakens the energy of Saturn, helping propel to you new heights. Perhaps you’re promoted at work, or you’re entrusted with a position or task of greater responsibility? Such opportunities seem to increase in frequency around this time. Believe that this pressure is working to your benefit – to strengthen you and give your feelings and emotions a new sense of depth and richness.