
Scorpio(10/24 - 11/22) Horoscope for June 2018


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

This Month’s Forecast

This month, we see Scorpio’s energy concentrated around their homes and their home environments; this looks to be a period to revisit your foundations. Your eyes shift from the outside world to your inner world, and it may feel as if your roots, where you come from, or your past self is trying to reconnect with the you in the present. With the influence of Neptune in the first spurt of June in combination with Venus and Jupiter, you may feel as if events of the past are replaying over again in front of your eyes in the present day. But this June, we see Scorpios in a calmer state than usual – you’re less likely to be drawn to irritation. But with Mars going retrograde beginning from the 27th, you may find that affairs relating to love and dating do not proceed along in the way that you would like: possibly stirring up feelings of impatience. In moving on towards the latter part of June, work consciously to maintain a stable pace and continue forward with steady effort. In revisiting your roots and rediscovering the you of the past, you may find new sources of energy for moving forward.

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