
Taurus(4/20 - 5/20) Horoscope for June 2018


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

This Month’s Forecast

You welcomed your period of harvest last May and made your way into a new cycle, Taurus – with the energy you’ve accumulated in the last month, the imagery surrounding Taurus this month is the visage of you walking up a mountain road, with your eyes on the zenith. This “zenith” refers to your future, your hopes. For June, your keywords are “your vision of the future,” together with “career.” We see Mars bring emphasis to your relationships at work and in the office; I feel many Taureans thinking deeply about what vocational calling is truly rewarding, what kind of future they want for themselves, and about their professional lives. In moving from May into the middle of June, Taureans may be surprised to find that what their job descriptions have suddenly changed, or that the path they’re walking has begun to move in a different direction. From the onset of June, we see the road stretching beneath you is bright and vivid – but as you continue walking, a shroud of mist begins to descend on your path up the mountain. The origin of this fog is two planets moving into retrograde motion this June  – with Neptune on the 19th and Mars on the 27th. As they regress backward, one may find that they have trouble knowing where the path in front of them is taking them – leading to possible confusion or doubt.

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