This Month’s Forecast | This Month’s Advice | This Month’s Photograph
This Month’s Forecast
Light of the sun shines through the glass, refracting into a tiny rainbow. Such a scene rises to mind in picturing of Pisces this month. Memories asleep in the heart seem to awaken via chemical reaction to influences outside of yourself, and the world seems to shine more brightly than usual as a result. It’s almost as if the past and present resonate in synchronicity, and one feels as if they’re in a lucid dream – one may also find signs of serendipity present in their lives. The sun makes its transit through Taurus until the 20th – helping Pisceans find calm and serenity in their minds. The beauty of the changing seasons from spring to summer – as well as the little sights in between – seem to bestow a therapeutic influence on you as well. Interactions with others also look favorable overall this month, and this is a wonderful time to network and expand your horizons. In the realms of love, one may find themselves meeting someone who brings you in touch with your peaceful self.