April 2018

J B Keyser’s


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

We saw the advent of cherry blossom season earlier than usual this year. Just as the light of the spring sun rouses all forms of life from their winter slumber, so does it elevate us to more cheerful spirits. But something is different about this year. Whereas the sights of spring are usually so well-defined, this year it appears as a photograph out of focus – our eyes have trouble in seeing clearly grasping the reality in front of us. In looking at the movements of the stars, we see that the planet of communication, Mercury, has entered into retrograde motion beginning from the end of March in Aries, while Mars has joined Saturn in entering into Capricorn. These placements essentially call us to look back to the past one more time: rather than affixing too much of our attention on the present or the unknown future. As we enter the latter half of April, however, we see a shift in the energy of the heavens – and this haze in front of us gradually begins to lift.

Horoscopes from PhotoAstrology bring you a look into what April has to bring for each of the 12 signs, together with selected photographs and works by photographer Harumi Shimizu – specially selected to embody the energy of possibility surrounding each sign this month. We wish you a splendid start to your spring!

The Signs

  • Aries


    3/21 – 4/19

  • Taurus


    4/20 – 5/20

  • Gemini


    5/21 – 6/21

  • Cancer


    6/22 – 7/22

  • Leo


    7/23 – 8/22

  • Virgo


    8/23 – 9/22

  • Libra


    9/23 – 10/23

  • Scorpio


    10/24 – 11/21

  • Sagittarius


    11/22 – 12/21

  • Capricorn


    12/22 – 1/19

  • Aquarius


    1/20 – 2/18

  • Pisces


    2/19 – 3/20

Horoscopes: J B Keyser
Born in the United States, currently residing in Tokyo. First fascinated by astrology as an elementary school student, Keyser entered into dedicated study of astrology beginning from high school – going on to perform professional astrological readings in English, Japanese, and Korean. Keyser views astrology as a tool, looking to the movements of the stars and the potential latent within them for hints to living a fuller, more abundant life. Keyser is well-reputed for their poetic, optimistic advice, while also well-versed in the world of contemporary photography.

Photographs: Harumi Shimizu
Born in 1989. Major solo exhibitions include “OPEN FRUIT IS GOD” (gallery blanka), “icedland” (Place M). Group exhibitions include “LUMIX MEETS BEYOND2020 BY JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHERS #4” and more.

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