
Leo Horoscope for April 2018


Photo: Harumi Shimizu

A Photograph for Leo in April

“From time to time, without knowing why / I find myself wanting to / Journey through the wide, open sky” – these lyrics from the Japanese song “On a Hot Air Balloon to Anywhere” are aptly fit to Leo this month, as is this photograph of a hot air balloon. Make sure not to burn up all of your fuel at once, and to enjoy the journey at a leisurely pace.

Fun-loving and extroverted Leo, the time has finally arrived! Long winter has finally thawed, and spring has come. I can assume your desire to frolic has built up quite a bit. Like the animals awakening from a long hibernation, it’s time for you to bathe in spring and all of its glory. This is also opportune timing to turn your eyes to new horizons overseas – and ideal for learning a new language, or to take yourself on a trip to new shores, for example. Such endeavors present new opportunities for you to broaden your views of the world.

But as your eyes turn constantly onward and outward and you move in further pursuit of all things fun and joyful, a word of advice. Imagine a bonfire, with its blazes gaining strength as you pile more firewood on top. As you throw on more wood, the good times glow brighter – and as time continues on, so does the fun. But remember, there is a limit to the fuel we have. In order to maintain these feelings of joy over the long term, why not invite those close to you along with you for the ride – instead of enjoying it all by yourself? In doing so, you can keep your feet on the ground while reminding those around you of the love you have for them. Doing so can bestow you with a sense of balance and a steady pace as you enjoy the gifts of spring.

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