
Capricorn(12/22 - 1/19) Horoscope for August 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Advice

My advice for Capricorn this month is to let your guard down, even if it’s just by a little bit. Capricorns have a unique, biting sense of humor — their eyes seem to perceive to the core of things, and their intuitive powers are enticing to many. A number of people around you are likely curious about you, and want to know more. But Capricorns are prone to, even without realizing it, build walls around themselves; they’re comfortable having a bit of distance between themselves and others. This month, try to let people in — if your friends or coworkers invite you out, don’t make an excuse and shrug off the invitation. Use these events as chances to show who you really are. This month also shows positive prospects in breaking free of your usual routine and planning a trip overseas. And with Mars moving back into your sign at the end of the month, Capricorns are gifted with reserves of courage and resolve. Take this as an opportunity to boldly take actions and give a try to whatever it is that you’ve wanted to do. Try applying for that job that you’ve always wanted, or joining a gym — harness your abundant reserves of energy for your benefit! The seeds of possibility that you spread during this time are sure to bear fruit soon.

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