
Libra(9/23 - 10/23) Horoscope for August 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Advice

This month, focus your attention on the beauty in your life. With Venus entering into Libra, this is a perfect time to enjoy the world with your five senses. On your way to work or when walking through town, keep your smartphone out of sight and your eyes on the world around you. Inspiration and hints seem are in clear sight. In the latter half of August, we see creative energies beginning to flow for you. For the past two months, we see that Librans have been focusing more on inputting as opposed to outputting — but this is a good time for you direct your energies outward. Why not take sling your camera on your shoulder and head out to take some pictures, or maybe try writing some poetry? Redirecting your buried emotions in a positive way is sure to help clear out any anxiety. Business-wise, August presents many opportunities in terms of new contacts. If you’re looking to start up a new venture, this is a wonderful time to start looking for a business partner or human resources to help you with your endeavors.

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