
Sagittarius(11/23 - 12/21) Horoscope for August 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Advice

Sagittarians can make the best of the energy this August by breaking out of their everyday routine. Try dropping into a restaurant you’ve never tried before, or talking to someone you’ve never met. Forget about the past for a while and jump right into what’s in front of you! In distancing yourself from the ordinary and enjoying the energy of the everyday, we see that the world seems to shimmer with the lights of possibility. At work, we see that specialized knowledge may be required of you a bit more than usual. If you’re curious about the field, this month is a great time to engage in study and deepen your knowledge on the topic; dedicating your energy to what truly piques your interest seems to cause positive energy to flow in your direction. Channel your desire to learn to action! This August also puts the spotlight on the present for you, but the full moon later in the month may cause you to reminisce about the past and about your family — emotions long dormant seem to rise to the surface again. Of course it’s often a good idea to keep your private and work life separate, but a coworker may a good confidante for you in this time. Try opening up to them about your past and see what unfolds.

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