
Scorpio(10/24 - 11/22) Horoscope for August 2018


Photo: Yoshinori Mizutani

This Month’s Advice

This month, the world of your mind seems to more easily manifest in your outside reality. People’s actions tend to get on your nerves a bit more easily than usual, but the important thing to remember here is to not simply dismiss these kind of incidences. The anger you may feel in such times is serving as an indicator for you — it’s a signpost pointing you to notions anger or dissatisfaction you may harbor but not be aware of. Use these events as a chance to discover hints in unravelling the truth of your feelings. With the solar eclipse on the 11th, energies are helping you transform negative energy into power you can use to your benefit. Utilize any irritation you may feel as a tool to further boost your motivation levels! For example, let’s say that there are struggles facing you at the workplace — you may see people facing unfair treatment. Don’t let the irritation you feel in the face of such circumstances get the best of you — take action! Participate in a demonstration, or discuss any problems at the office with your boss. In the latter half of August, we see energy levels cooling down for you. In taking time to reflect on the anxiety you’ve felt until that point, you may find hints to help you move forward and grow emotionally. Lastly — be careful of the 28th, communication mishaps are more likely to occur during this time. Be conscious of being especially kind with your words here!

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