This Month’s Forecast | This Month’s Advice | This Month’s Photograph
This Month’s Advice
Scorpios’ ways of thinking are solid and established, while they tend to only show themselves to people they trust undyingly; they are brooding and thoughtful creatures. But for this month, take the time to interact with those different than you: those with a lighter attitude towards life. In relinquishing yourself to the flow of things and letting yourself be more carefree with your life you’ll find that many benefits present themselves. We also see Neptune, the god of the sea and illusion, color your life with more ethereal shades – water energy is strongly present for you this month. As such, I recommend Scorpios take an outing to a quiet ocean, or perhaps a lake. Scorpios tend to think things through thoroughly and deeply, often to their detriment: in taking yourself to calm waters, the noise in your heart too will fall still.